President Biden using sleep apnea treatment device, says White House
President Joe Biden is wearing a medical device to treat sleep apnoea, a common condition in which breathing is repeatedly interrupted during sleep. President Biden, aged 80, the US's oldest leader, is wearing a CPAP machine, said the White House. The medical news came on Wednesday after reporters spotted marks on his face - from a mask used to help his breathing overnight. An estimated 30 million Americans live with sleep apnoea, said doctors. A CPAP (continuos positive airway pressure) machine gently pumps air into a mask over the nose and mouth at night, keeping airways open. "Since 2008, the President has disclosed his history of sleep apnea in detailed medical reports," said a White House spokesman, Andrew Bates, in a statement. "He wore a CPAP machine last night, something that is typical for someone with that background," he said.
Breathing repeatedly stops and recommences during sleep. It can cause daytime drowsiness, increase health risks, and affect quality of life.
Joe Biden
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